Wednesday, April 30, 2008

In Character

Darth Vader: Vader was one of the most sinister villains to go on the big screen, and is still known by most people for his deep, raspy voice through the known mask. Vader was so fascinating at that time period because it was something that no one had experienced in a movie theater. He was one of the most important parts of the series and to the fans who obsess over Star Wars.

Eric Cartman: Cartman is a well known character throughout the world for his explicit outbreaks and crude acts on the show South Park. With characters like him, the creators seen to use him for telling their feelings on different subjects or celebrities. I seem to think why Eric is such known attribute to the show is because he is such an antagonist in each episode. Some people love the fact that this character is speaking about real politics and real events, which lets the viewer relate to the show and to Cartman himself.

Peter Griffin, from the show Family Guy, is one of my personal favorite characters on TV because of his sheer stupidity and sense of humor. He is an important asset to the young culture by performing immature acts and profane gestures that bring attentions to how the real world is. An example would be one episode where Peter and Brian (his dog) go back in time and changes the real life. Along with politics and television shows. When they begin talking, they realize that Gore had became president rather then Bush. How Gore cured cancer and crime rates have dramatically plummeted since Bush's resignation. Peter is important to our culture because he expresses what the creator is thinking, and is completely correct.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Characteristics of a well-told story

1. why?: Stories are so important to childhood mostly because they give the child something to think about and something that can keep them occupied. It also helps them explore their thoughts of the story and put things together. People read stories to kids so they will shut up or to get them to relax and settle down. They learn the message that is being said through the story.

2. Why? Later in life...: People who are done with school most likely read stories for the entertainment and just for something to do in their downtime. The readers will get either some lesson or a piece of knowledge out of it, or just a sense of content. Older readers learn about younger times and just general knowledge of the topic of the book or story.

3. Why? In our nation: Stories are important to our nation because they are a form of speech and individuality. When people write on a serious topic, it grabs peoples attention and brings up further discussion. The stories allow the reader and the writer to express their feelings behind a specific event or side of a story.

3. Your Stories: I remember from when I was younger these little books that had probably ten to twelve pages in them. But still i would ask my mom to read them to me over and over again. Mainly because of the pictures i think, but it might have had to do with the story line a little bit. These stories stand out mostly because i still have them at home in this box with all of my other childhood belongings.

4. Characteristics of a well-told story:

1. A main topic or idea that is trying to be passed on.
2. Characters that the reader can understand clearly and relate to.
3. Some relationship to the real-world or to real events.
4. A plot, every story has to have a main idea.
5. Humor is also a good factor to a well told story.
6. Good verisimilitude.
7. It has to be funny...